Our team at Regional Skin & Laser Center is excited to offer KYBELLA®, a popular injectable treatment. When administered by an experienced provider, KYBELLA® can effectively reduce moderate to severe submental fat – also known as a “double chin” – with very long-lasting results. Continue reading for more information about KYBELLA®.


Submental fat can be extremely stubborn and often does not respond to even the strictest diet and exercise routine. This is where KYBELLA® can be helpful. The injectable is composed primarily of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring substance in the human body that helps absorb and break down dietary fat.* KYBELLA® can destroy fat cells beneath the chin, resulting in noticeable reduction of submental fullness and a more defined jawline.

How Many KYBELLA® Treatments Will I Need?

The ideal number of KYBELLA® treatments will depend on the amount of fat being targeted. In general, patients undergo a maximum of six KYBELLA® treatment sessions – which typically only take 15-20 minutes – each spaced one month apart. Like most other medical spa treatments offered at our practice, KYBELLA® sessions are performed in-office and usually require little to no downtime. 

How Long Does KYBELLA® Last?

Results of KYBELLA® generally show up within four to six weeks after treatment. The effects are designed to be permanent, as once the fat cells underneath the chin are destroyed, they can no longer accumulate or store fat. With this in mind, the longevity of your effects may vary based on factors such as aging, genetics, and weight fluctuations. As with any cosmetic procedure, you are advised to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can assess your specific situation and provide guidance on the number of sessions needed for optimal results.

Interested in addressing a double chin without the need for surgery? Contact us for more information about KYBELLA®.

Medical References*